Coca‑Cola HBC is rated against a number of major sustainability benchmarks, including Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI), CDP and FTSE4Good.
At Coca‑Cola HBC, we are committed to being at the forefront of sustainable practice and performance in the beverage industry.
Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI)
Coca‑Cola HBC is the world sustainability leader in the beverage industry, topping the Dow Jones World and Europe Sustainability Indexes for beverage companies.
We’ve been included in the DJSI every year since 2008 recognition of our focus on continuously improving our sustainability performance. Launched in 1999, the DJSI is considered a global benchmark in corporate sustainability
In 2017, the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices reconigse Coca‑Cola HBC as the beverage industry leaders in Europe and the world for the fourth consecutive year.
More about ratings on the link to the Coca‑Cola HBC website